Ducklings, formerly known as WISPS, is the Nursery Class within Winklebury Infant School for children aged 2 to 4.
We provide a warm, nurturing environment, whilst ensuring the activities we offer are engaging and purposeful; ensuring all areas of the EYFS curriculum are covered and to enable children to make progress at a pace appropriate to their age and stage of development.
Your child will be allocated a key person who will be your initial point of contact, but as a small team of 5 we all work closely together to make sure the children are happy and enjoying playing and learning during their time at preschool.
Please see the "Key Information > Policies" page here for our Nursery Policies.
Ducklings are open during term time only, from 8:30-3. The sessions available are:
Morning session from 8:45 to 11:45
Afternoon session from 12:00 to 3:00
Full day from 9:00 to 3:00 (2 sessions)
If you should need it, and ratios permitting, we can offer additional early starts of 8:45/ 8:30.
Ducklings accepts all eligible funding.
Our current rate for non-funded hours are as follows:
2 yr olds is £6 per hr; and
3 and 4 year olds are £5.50 per hr.
This may be subject to review.
There is a monthly consumables contribution per child which goes towards our overheads and to ensure we can continue to offer good, quality provision. This contribution helps us to provide morning snacks, to replenish resources, art and craft materials and sensory items. This is based on the number of sessions (morning or afternoon) your child attends:
Full time children/10 Sessions per week: £10 per month
8 Sessions per week: £8 per month
6 Sessions per week: £6 per month
5 Session per week: £5 per month
4 Sessions per week: £4 per month
2 Sessions per week: £2 per month
There is no charge for August.
The Contribution Charge may also be subject to review.
EYPP funded families are exempt from the monthly consumables contribution.
If you are unsure at all of your eligibility for EYPP a member of management will be able to signpost you to the right place to check eligibility.
Invoices are raised monthly, payable in advance through Arbor or with cash to the main school office.
Ducklings provides a mid-morning snack and we offer water throughout the day and a choice of water or milk at morning snack time. Juice is allowed to be included in their lunch boxes for lunchtime only.
Children attending for a full day or for the afternoon session will spend lunchtime in school. Children can have a packed lunch from home, or a school dinner from the School's caterer, Pabulum, chargeable at £3 per 2 course meal. School dinners are also payable through Arbor or cash to the school office.
Ducklings is equipped with nappy changing facilities, low height toilets and sinks and potties. Parents provide nappies and wipes for their child(ren) and Staff will support toilet training as and when your child shows signs of being ready.
Thank you,
The Ducklings Team